Upcoming Public Workshop 

This workshop will focus on how we can improve the function of our eyes as they relate to movement, balance and posture. Through subtle and integrative movement patterns, we have the ability to enhance our focus and efficiency in everyday actions. A world-renowned practice, the Feldenkrais Method has the potential to dismantle our habitual patterns and find efficiency and ease. 

About the Method:

The Feldenkrais Method/Awareness Through Movement is a world-renowned
somatic method of education developed by Dr. Moshé Feldenkrais (1904-1984),
a distinguished physicist, engineer, and judo instructor.

About ATM:

Awareness Through Movement lessons involve a series of verbally directed movement patterns that seek to dismantle habits and re-direct the attention via the use of sensation. 

The method has shown to improve posture, flexibility,
coordination and alleviate chronic pain.

Why Feldenkrais?

~ Regain Flexibility without Stretching
~Move with a Child-like sense of Joy and Curiosity
~Break habitual tension patterns by accessing the nervous-system's innate ability to learn and
create new pathways.
~Find better Balance, use of Attention/Focus and an overall Sense of Well-Being 


(Write October Workshop in the Message)

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United States

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